Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ask your doctor about....

Well, Avandia is the latest medication to have a major advisory after being in the market for a number of years. No one is calling for it to be withdrawn from the market (yet), but patients are being asked to "call your doctor".

Given that I learned about this from the New York Times, I think I only know what the patients know. I have gotten an e-mail from Medscape (a service owned by WebMD, registration required) about Avandia, but I got it one day after the story broke in the print media. I used to take the New England Journal of Medicine, but for major stories like this one, the press release comes out 2 days before the journal gets to my mailbox. Given that most doctors use a computer as often as Paris Hilton says "no", it is rather difficult to get important messages out to physicians.

So go ahead and call your doctor, but please provide us with the reference article, because we probably have not read it yet.

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